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“Lady with a Fascinator”
Posted in Drawings, Media, Portraits, Subjects
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Lady Beetle in Mixed Media
This is Thalassa montezumae (no English name), and it really is this color! It’s native to Mexico and the U.S. southwest, and has recently turned up in Florida too.
Mixed media: Faber-Castell Aquarelle pencils, Prismacolor pencils, and Photoshop.
I drew the beetle in Aquarelle, then went over it with a wet paintbrush to get the smooth, blended watercolor effect. After it dried, I used Prismacolor Verithin pencils for the fine details. Then I scanned it into Photoshop and added the background, a texture by rubyblossom on Flickr:
Posted in Digital Editing, Drawings, Insects, Lady Beetles, Media, Paintings, Subjects
Tagged blue, digital, drawing, lady beetle, ladybird, ladybug, orange, painting
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Large Milkweed Bug in Prismacolor pencil
Posted in Drawings, Insects
Tagged brown, bug, drawing, insect, Kaufman Guide to Insects, large milkweed bug, milkweed bug, orange, pencil, Prismacolor
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House Sparrow study in Prismacolor pencil
Male House Sparrow, Passer domesticus
Posted in Birds, Drawings, Sparrows
Tagged bird, birds, colored pencil, drawings, house sparrow, Passer domesticus, pencil, Prismacolor, sparrow
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Sachem Skipper on marigold in Prismacolor pencil

This is the first Prismacolor drawing I ever did; I haven't used anything but Prismacolors since then! Sachem Skippers are either butterflies, or closely related to butterflies (the scientific jury is still out). This is based on a photo I took; I traced the most complicated outlines and then did the rest by hand.
Posted in Butterflies and Moths, Drawings, Insects
Tagged brown, butterfly, colored pencil, flower, green, marigold, orange, pencil, Prismacolor, Prismacolor pencil, Sachem Skipper, skipper, yellow
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Bicknell’s Thrush in Prismacolor pencil
Bicknell’s Thrush, Catharus bicknelli
Posted in Birds, Drawings
Tagged Bicknell's thrush, bird, brown, colored pencil, gray, pencil, Prismacolor, Prismacolor pencil, thrush, yellow
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